Living Wall Update: New Plants and Lights

It’s been a few months since we showed off our beautiful living wall at our Collector Plants location. Let’s chat about what’s new! Last time we showed it off was in April 2022, and things have changed and grown in quite a bit!
Our wall is made up of one hundred twelve five inches by ten inches pockets and spans seven feet wide by seven feet tall. The most obvious new addition is our gorgeous new neon sign hanging just in front of the wall. We can’t get over how bright and beautiful it is! It really ties everything together perfectly.
Let’s talk about the Scindapsus! We have a plethora of them growing on the wall and most of them have started shingling up above the wall. It’s so fun and cool to see how these plants grow out when they become mature. The growth becomes flat and closer together as they shingle up the wall, and the variegation changes slightly as well.
Another great addition is our Cryptanthus “Elaine”. It adds a pop of pink and black in the canopy. Also, there’s a beautiful Philodendron “Paraiso Verde” near the top that has the most stunning contrast. All these bold colors are thanks to our new Soltech Lighting setup!
The Pink Princess Philodendron really pops just behind our neon sign. It always catches people’s eye when they are checking out the wall. Our Begonia maculata “Wightii” is growing big and strong! It’s gotten so stunning, and we’ve not seen another that compares. The Philodendron Giganteum is still a slow grower on our wall, but we have high hopes for it.
A fun new textural addition is our Syngonium Tri-Leaf Wonder. The thin leaves trail gracefully and add an almost ferny texture in the upper right corner of our wall. Lastly is the sunny, bright bromeliad. Its foliage coordinates beautifully with the bright yellow lounge chairs we have in front of the wall.
Come by sometime and see it in person at our Collector Plants store in Fremont, Seattle! Peace out!