Pink Philodendron is very easy to care for. Unfortunately, it is quite a rare plant so you might have some difficulty tracking it down. For this reason, it is also a very expensive plant so make sure you know the care requirements before acquiring said plant.
Blushing Philodendron will bring a splash of color into your home. For the best chance of success with this plant, read the care guidelines below.
Only water your plant after the top inch of the soil has dried out. To test the moisture in the soil, you can do the finger test. This simply means sticking your finger about one inch into the soil to feel for moisture.
If the soil feels dry, you can water your plant by pouring water into the pot until it starts to drain out the bottom. If the soil feels moist, you can skip watering.
Make sure to do the test every day before watering your plant to avoid over or underwatering. Signs of underwatering include wilted leaves with dry tips. Overwatering can be identified by yellowing of the leaves, wilting despite wet soil, and root rot.
Philodendron Pink Princess does well in temperatures ranging from 55 to 95° Fahrenheit (13-35°C). Care must be taken to never expose your plant to temperatures below 55°F (13°C).
In the summer months, your plant can stay outdoors if it is brought inside if the temperature drops below the safe range. Take care not to place your plant in direct sunlight.
Direct sunlight may burn the leaves of your plant. A little bit of morning sun (between 2-4 hours) shouldn’t do any harm.
Pink Philodendron does best when grown in soil with high organic content. For this reason, potting mix that contains a lot of sphagnum moss is ideal. Just make sure to choose a potting mix that still drains well.
Soil that gets too compacted, that doesn’t drain well, or retain too much moisture can lead to root rot and other diseases.
Pink Princess also has subterranean roots which means it can be grown in sphagnum moss or peat perlite only.
The best fertilizer for a Philodendron Pink Princess is an all-purpose liquid fertilizer. Fertilize your plant weekly with a half-strength dose of fertilizer in the growing season. Make sure to water your plant before you apply the fertilizer to avoid root damage. Once winter arrives, reduce fertilizing to once a month.
You can also use a solid fertilizer. If this is your preferred method, fertilize your plant once a month during the growing season. Once winter comes around, you can stop fertilizing until spring arrives.
Fertilizer will encourage healthy growth in your plant and keep it strong enough to fight off pests and diseases.
Pink Princess is a tropical plant. This means that you’ll have to keep the humidity at least 40%. To do this you can either use a room humidifier, mist your plant regularly or use a humidity tray.
A humidity tray is a shallow tray filled with pebbles or flat stones. Place your pot on top of the pebbles and fill the tray with water. Make sure the water level doesn’t reach your Philodendron pot to avoid problems.
As the water evaporates from the tray, it will create a comfortable humidity bubble around your plant.