Cat safe house plants

Are you dreaming of a plant filled paradise, but feel worried about accidentally getting a plant that’s poisonous to your cat?
If so, we are here to fulfill your cat-safe houseplant heaven dreams.
When creating a home for furry and leafy friends, you want to always make sure your houseplants are non-toxic for cats. But we are happy to report you don’t have to sacrifice beauty for safety - we have a great selection of indoor plants that are completely safe for cats!
Below are 5 cat friendly houseplants that are just as gorgeous as they are harmless. Spruce up the living room and get you and your kitties some new plant friends.
Calathea lancifolia
Also known as the Rattlesnake Prayer Plant, this beauty is a pet friendly plant that prefers bright, indirect light or shade. The leaves have a lovely pattern and a burgundy underside to add some color to your indoor jungle.
It tends to thrive with higher humidity and warmer temps, so keep that in mind when picking one up.
Hoya rotundiflora
A plant of many names, the Hoya rotundiflora is also called Hoya square leaf, Hoya rectangular leaf, and Chicklet Hoya.
Whatever you choose to call it, you can rest easy knowing it’s non poisonous to your feline friends. It likes bright indirect light, and needs adequate lighting in order to bloom it’s sweet smelling flowers.
Red maranta Prayer Plant
This prayer plant has vibrant red vines that will add that pop of color you’ve been looking for in your living room and in your plant collection. Cat safe interior decorating at its finest.
Find a spot for this prayer plant in bright indirect light to partial shade and let yourself be mesmerized by the opening and closing of it’s leaves that gave it its name.
Neanthe bella palm
AKA a Parlor palm, this is a beginner friendly plant that’s also safe for cat friends; that’s a win-win in our book. It does well in bright indirect light to light shade, so it’s a great choice of office plant for you and your kitty coworkers.
It’s also a great choice if you’re looking for a tropical plant or palm that works well in small spaces since it’s nice and compact.
Fun fact: all air plants are safe for animals! One of our personal favorites is the T. Straminea straight form. It produces lavender and white colored fragrant flowers that you and your kitties can sniff safely.
Plants to avoid for cats
Any time you get a new houseplant, it’s a good idea to run it by the ASPCA’s thorough list of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List for cats. They also have many other toxic and non toxic lists for different types of animals if you have other furry friends, so it’s a great resource to keep bookmarked.
Keep in mind that although these plants are not poisonous to your cats, they also aren’t meant to be eaten by them. Try to keep them from nibbling as much as possible, but you won’t need to worry if they do sneak a bite or two.